Categoria: Estero

Laboratorio di traduzione teatrale, Roma (dic – feb 2014)

DONNE FUORI SCENA in collaborazione con la casa editrice SIGISMUNDUS e il Centro Studi ACTING CREAZIONE+RICERCA presenta:


Secondo ciclo: Australia e Nord America

Dopo il successo del primo ciclo dedicato al Canada anglofono, proseguono i laboratori di traduzione teatrale di drammaturgia contemporanea internazionale. Donne Fuori Scena è il progetto vincitore del contest nazionale #NoViolenza #Donne – Idee per fermare la violenza, promosso da AIED e Cocoon Projects. I testi tradotti durante il laboratorio saranno pubblicati dalla casa editrice Sigismundus nella collana Esodi e verranno utilizzati come materiale di riferimento in tutte le fasi successive del progetto: laboratori nelle scuole secondarie di secondo grado, nelle Università, nei Centri antiviolenza e nelle carceri, rassegna di reading teatrali.… [ Va' avanti ]

Masterclasses, London (Nov – Jan 2014)


The London Review Bookshop is continuing its successful 2013-14 season of
translation masterclasses with leading literary translators, run in
association with the British Centre for Literary Translation. There are
still spaces left for masterclasses in November, December and January.
We are offering four masterclass sessions over two Saturdays (morning &
afternoon) for translators working from French, Spanish and German into
English. Participants should have a good working knowledge of the language,
and may be asked to prepare their own translations in advance. We are also
offering six evening classes, on a Monday, which will be open to translators
working out of any language into English. All the masterclasses will cover a
range of topics, including non-standard language, breaking the rules and
getting away with it, colloquial language, slang, voice, style and
punctuation.… [ Va' avanti ]

Rossica Prize 2014

The Rossica Prize has been awarded biennially since 2005 for the best new
translation of a high-quality Russian literary work into English. It aims to
promote the best of Russian literary culture in the English-speaking world,
encouraging the translation of a broad range of authors, genres and periods.
The Prize recognizes the vital role of translation in culture and the
contribution that Russian literature continues to make towards enriching the
intellectual life of people worldwide. A prize of £1500 will go to the
winning translator.

Academia Rossica is currently accepting entries for the Rossica Prize 2014,
the deadline for which is 1 December 2013. The original must be a literary
work in Russian by any author, present or past, and published no earlier
than 2011.… [ Va' avanti ]

1st Hermeneus Conference Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies, Valladolid (26-27/03/2014)

I Hermeneus Conference
Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies

Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de Soria (Universidad de
Valladolid), 26 y 27de marzo de 2014.

Project Hermeneus is inaugurating a series of conferences of a scientific
nature centered on corpus based translation and interpreting studies. The
goal of the initial conference is to unite specialists from Spanish
universities and from institutions worldwide who have been working toward
significant advances during the last few years in the design, compilation
and accessibility of corpora and other linguistic resources and in the
technological advances necessary to access and exploit these resources. [See
complete presentation of the conference.] Paper proposals (20’) or posters in the following thematic areas (although
not exclusive to) will be welcome / bienvenidas / bienvenues / willkommen /
bem-vindas [see complete description of the areas]:
1.… [ Va' avanti ]

Proposte per il prossimo numero di Parallèles

English text below / deutscher Text unten / texto en español abajo

Madame, Monsieur, chères et chers collègues,
Un nouveau
numéro de Parallèles, la revue de traductologie de la Faculté de traduction
d’interprétation de l’Université de Genève, vient d’être mis en ligne. Vous
trouverez d’une part des articles portant sur la traduction juridique et la
traduction littéraire et d’autre part quatre comptes rendus d’ouvrages.
Parallèles paraît désormais deux fois par an, sous forme électronique
uniquement. Par ailleurs, vous trouverez sur notre site internet
( un appel à
contribution pour le prochain numéro de la revue. Parallèles publie des
contributions en français, allemand, anglais, espagnol et italien. Les
manuscrits sont systématiquement évalués en aveugle avant leur
publication.… [ Va' avanti ]

Traduire Swann (Padova, 14-16/11) e Comment traduire Proust ? (Paris, 27-28/11)

Il romanzo Du côté de chez Swann, pubblicato nel 1913, festeggia il suo centenario. È l’occasione per discutere di un’opera tradotta in moltissime e diversissime lingue. L’Università degli Studi di Padova organizza un convegno internazionale (dal 14 al 16 novembre 2013), in parallelo con un altro convegno organizzato a Parigi dalla SEPTET (Société d’Études des Pratiques et Théories en Traduction) che si terrà il 28 e 29 novembre.

Trovate qui il programma del convegno di Padova (sul sito potete reperire anche un’interessante bibliografia), mentre qui trovate il programma del convegno francese.

[ Va' avanti ]

La fabrique européenne des traducteurs : atelier français/italien (mars-mai 2014)

La Fabrique européenne des traducteurs est un programme qui voit six pays unir leurs forces autour d’ateliers bilingues  avec pour objectif de donner à de jeunes traducteurs en début de carrière l’occasion de travailler avec d’autres traducteurs expérimentés et de mieux connaître le paysage de la traduction et de l’édition dans les deux pays.

L’atelier français//italien se déroulera du 30 mars au 30 mai 2014 avec 2 tutorats successifs à  Wernethausen (Collège de traducteurs Looren)  et à Arles (Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires)
6 candidats sont sélectionnés (3 traduisent du français vers l’italien et 3 de l’italien vers le  français) pour l’atelier qui dure 9 semaines réparties en résidences consécutives  en Suisse (Wernetshausen) et en France (Arles).… [ Va' avanti ]

Global eBook report: l’andamento degli ebook nel mercato globale

The Global eBook report is ready for download now. The Global eBook report documents and analyses how ebook markets emerge in the US, UK, continental Europe, Brazil, China, India, Russia and the Arab world. It combines the best available data and references to specialized local actors, with thematic chapters, focusing on critical policy debates and on key driving forces, notably ebook bestsellers and pricing strategies across European markets, self-publishing, government regulation, piracy, and the expanding impact of global players.

For a promotional period, the report can be downloaded free of charge. From November 1st, 2013, purchases will cost €29.95.[ Va' avanti ]

Transnational master programme in literary translation, Netherlands and Belgium

Transnational master programme in literary translation kicks off

After twenty years students in the Netherlands and Flanders can again follow
an academic course in literary translation. The new master’s programme,
launched last September, is an international joint programme of Utrecht
University (the Netherlands) and the University of Leuven (Belgium). It is
the first two-year programme at master’s level in Europe teaching literary
translation combined with research into the subject. Utrecht University
offers a two-year, full-time research master’s. Leuven University in
Flanders has a one-year master’s course in Translation, followed by a
postgraduate degree in Literary Translation. The staff of the new programme
report high student interest.

The transnational programme provides for the exchange of both students and
teaching staff.… [ Va' avanti ]

Borse per workshop IT/FR, Looren e Arles

Il percorso formativo di un traduttore letterario è raramente convenzionale.
Le vie più diverse conducono a questo mestiere sospeso fra l’artigianato
linguistico e l’arte della parola. La casa dei traduttori Looren in Svizzera
e il Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires (CITL) di Arles hanno
maturato una grande esperienza nell’offrire sostegno e occasioni di
formazione ai traduttori letterari.

Nell’ambito della Fabbrica Europea dei Traduttori, che organizza workshop di
due mesi per sei combinazioni linguistiche, ci rivolgiamo anche ai
“principianti del mestiere” ai quali proponiamo un workshop
italiano-francese (30 marzo – 30 maggio 2014). Quest’ultimo è finanziato
dalla Commissione europea attraverso fondi del programma Lifelong Learning.

I traduttori letterari all’inizio della carriera possono presentare le loro
domande entro il 2 dicembre 2013.… [ Va' avanti ]