Categoria: Estero

Premio in memoria di Jaime Salinas

L’associazione dei traduttori spagnoli ha inaugurato un premio in memoria di
Jaime Salinas destinato agli editori che si sono distinti per le buone
pratiche editoriali, rispettando i diritti morali ed economici dei
traduttori. La speranza è che il premio favorisca il diffondersi delle buone
pratiche e contribuisca ad avvicinare due tra gli attori fondamentali della
filiera del libro.


Con el objetivo de estimular la colaboración entre los distintos agentes del
proceso editorial, recompensar el trabajo bien hecho y crear nuevos cauces
hacia el futuro, ACE Traductores anuncia la creación del “Premio en memoria
de Jaime Salinas a las buenas prácticas editoriales”, que se otorgará con
carácter anual y cuya entrega este año tendrá lugar el próximo 3 de octubre,
coincidiendo con la celebración de LIBER.… [ Va' avanti ]

International Translation Day Colloquium, Texas (30/09)

The University of Texas at Brownsville will celebrate its First
International Translation Day Colloquium on Monday, September 30 from
4:30-7:30 p.m. (US Central Time). The event will be webcast live at the
following address:

UTB’s First International Translation Day Colloquium seeks to discuss a
number of key aspects related to the practice of translation and
interpreting in professional settings as they impinge on different areas of
specialization, such as literary translation, court interpreting, and sign
language interpreting.

For more information, please contact event organizer Jorge Jimínez-Bellver
at or (956) 882-7450 or UTB’s Translation and
Interpreting Office at or (956) 882-7450.… [ Va' avanti ]

Between Policies and Poetics: Itineraries in Translation History, Estonia (13-15/06/2014)

Between Policies and Poetics: Itineraries in Translation History
3rd International Conference on Itineraries in Translation History

June 13-15, 2014 at the University of Tartu, Estonia. Hosted by University
of Tartu Centre for Translation Studies in collaboration with the Institute
of Germanic-Romance Languages and Cultures of Tallinn University

Translation policy and translation poetics can be terms that are parallel or
overlapping or, in some cases, oppose each other. Research into translation
history often means studying either the individual poetics of a translator,
be it then the explicit or implicit poetics of translation or the politics
(state-level) / policies (institutional level) of translation created in or
by a system to serve a particular purpose.… [ Va' avanti ]

Un festival per i traduttori (francesi)

Segnaliamo con piacere il bel festival Vo-Vf Le monde en livres, che si terrà dal 27 al 29 settembre a Gif-sur-Yvette, a una trentina di chilometri da Parigi. I traduttori francesi presentano un libro da loro tradotto, spesso in assenza dell’autore (fa eccezione la nostra Valentina D’Urbano, autrice per Longanesi de Il rumore dei tuoi passi, che accompagna la sua traduttrice Nathalie Bauer). Solo pochi privilegiati come Jacques Darras possono permettersi una fascetta come quella enorme che vedete in foto, sconosciuta in Italia… A quando un mini festival italiano analogo, con fascetta analoga?… [ Va' avanti ]

Traduire le rythme/Translating Rhythm, Paris (11-12/10)

Salle Las Vergnas, Campus Censier
13 rue de Santeuil – 75231 Paris Cedex 05

Droit d’inscription : 20€ – Étudiants : gratuit

Tiffane Levick : / 06 95 64 83 75

Vendredi 11 octobre

9h45 Ouverture du colloque
M. le professeur Carle BONAFOUS-MURAT, Vice-Président,
Conseil Scientifi que
Présidente de séance : Christine RAGUET, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

10h00-11h00 David NOWELL-SMITH, Université d’East Anglia, Grande-Bretagne :
conférencier plénier
Intensities, extensibilities: translation between rhythms

11h00-11h20 Pause

11h20-12h00 Georges VARSOS, Université d’Athènes, Grèce
Translating the Homeric Hexameter in English and French

12h00-12h40 Bentolhoda NAKHAEÏ, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3
The Rhythm in Quatrains of Omar Khayyam: translation and literary creation

14h30-15h10 James UNDERHILL, Université de Rouen
Translating the rhythm of the “voice” or the “voice” of the rhythm

15h10-15h50 Andrew EASTMAN, Université de Strasbourg
“Cries and cracks”: “animal” rhythms in Ezra Pound’s translations from Arnaut

15h50-16h00 Pause

16h00-16h40 Simona POLLICINO, Université de Padoue, Italie
Traduire le rythme de la danse ou l’expérience de l’unité : Yves Bonnefoy
traduit « To A Child Dancing In The Wind » de W.… [ Va' avanti ]

The Future of Publishing, India (20-21/09)

We would like to invite you to the third edition of the annual conference on
“the future of publishing”-Publishing Next ’13. The conference will be held
on the 20th and 21st of September, 2013 at Krishnadas Shama State Central
Library, Panaji, Goa.

There will be discussions, workshops and experience-sharing insight talks by
professionals from across the country and abroad. Topics as varied as
printer-publisher relations, the evolution of book retail, publisher
perspectives of ebook development, monetization of Internet-based content,
CRM for publishers and Indian language publishing will be discussed.

So whether you are a publisher, author, printer, editor, translator,
designer, ebook developer, or someone simply interested in the publishing
sector this conference is for you.… [ Va' avanti ]

2013 NSTS Translation Studies Research Symposium (20/09/2013)

Registration is now open for the 2013 NSTS Translation Studies Research Symposium. Space is limited.

Symposium Theme: Cultural Translation

Presenters: Robert JC Young and Bella Brodzki

Respondents: Christi Merrill and Suzanne Jill Levine

Date and Time: Friday September 20, 2013, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Place: The College Board, 45 Columbus Avenue at 61st Street, New York, NY

Registration Fee: $75.00 USD

For more information, go to:
[ Va' avanti ]

Concorso: la figura del traduttore attraverso un video

For the second year running, CEATL is organizing an international contest for video artists to find sparky videos promoting the visibility of literary translators. The contest is now open, and videos received before 1 September 2013 will be forwarded by CEATL to a Facebook event page where everybody can view and ‘like’ them from early September. The winner will be chosen from the ten ‘most liked’ videos and be awarded the prize of €1000 in time for International Translation Day, 30 September 2013. Full contest rules are as follows.

Videos up to three minutes long are accepted.
A link to a low quality version of the films shall be submitted to[ Va' avanti ]

Translating Murder!, Melbourne (27/06-1/07)

Murder & Mayhem in Translation

Literary Translation Winter School: French, Italian and Spanish

Monash University Caulfield Campus, Melbourne, Australia

June 27, 28, 29 and July 1 2013


This year’s exciting event merges the theme of crime fiction with
translation. We are very excited to confirm the following authors and

French Stream: Author DOMINIQUE SYLVAIN and translator JEAN ANDERSON

Italian Stream: Author CARLO LUCARELLI and translator BRIGID MAHER

Spanish Stream: Author LORENZO SILVA and translator IMOGEN WILLIAMS

In partnership with the British Centre for Literary Translation, Monash
University’s Translation and Interpreting Studies program is running its
annual literary translation winter school aimed at students, writers,
professional translators, language teachers and anyone interested in
literary translation!… [ Va' avanti ]

Workshop organizzati da Babel, Bellinzona (12-15/09)

Sono aperte le iscrizioni ai workshop di traduzione letteraria e per il
cinema del festival Babel
Giunto alla sua ottava edizione, Babel, festival di letteratura e
traduzione, offrirà quest’anno una panoramica sulla produzione letteraria
africana in lingua francese (programma disponibile a breve sul
sito Come di consueto il festival sarà accompagnato
da due workshop di traduzione letteraria e due di traduzione per il cinema.

Workshop di traduzione letteraria
Bellinzona, 12-15 settembre 2013
Docenti:Yasmina Melaouah, Maurizia Balmelli, Kamel Daoud.
Docenti: Franca Cavagnoli, Matteo Campagnoli.

Workshop di traduzione per il cinema
Sottotitoli e adattamento dei dialoghi al doppiaggio
Bellinzona, 12-15 settembre 2013
Docenti: Filippo Ottoni, Elvira de Majo, Claudia Quadri.… [ Va' avanti ]