The Banff International Literary Translation Centre (BILTC)

About Banff International Literary Translation Centre (BILTC)

Inspired by the network of international literary translation centres in Europe, the Banff International Literary Translation Centre (BILTC) is the only one of its kind in North America. The primary focus of the residency program is to afford working and professional literary translators a period of uninterrupted work on a current project, within an international community of their colleagues.

The program is open to literary translators from Canada, Mexico, and the United States translating from any language, as well as to international translators working on literature from the Americas (both the North and South American continents). Since the inaugural program in 2003, the Centre has hosted translators from approximately 30 countries translating work involving nearly 40 languages.… [ Va' avanti ]

Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning

Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning
Call for Papers

Papers are currently being sought for the 2012 edition.

Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning is a double-blind refereed series that explores a variety of issues related to translation teaching and learning. Qualitative or quantitative research articles that are relevant to translation teaching and learning are sought.

Deadline for submissions for the 2012 book is February 14, 2012.

Papers, proposals and enquiries should be addressed to[ Va' avanti ]

Cultural Translation and East Asia: Film, Literature and Art

Call for papers. September 7-8 2012, Bangor University UK.

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to focus on questions of cultural translation in all its forms and constructs. As global identity becomes increasingly defined by questions of communication across languages and cultures the role of translation becomes key in the forging of new subjectivities.

Topics could include (although are not limited to) :

1. adaption in literature, film and media;

2. interplay between East Asian nations;

3. construction of East Asia as a theoretical/political/cultural concept;

4. a focus on the interplay between East Asia and the West;

5. global dissemination of East Asian popular culture;

6. creative writing and literary translation as cross-cultural tool.… [ Va' avanti ]

Griò: Corsi di traduzione editoriale, Roma

Grió, per chi non la conoscesse già, è un’associazione culturale che si occupa di promozione del cinema documentario di creazione e della traduzione letteraria. Nel campo della traduzione letteraria Grió promuove la valorizzazione della figura del traduttore e del suo importante ruolo di mediatore tra culture attraverso l’organizzazione di incontri, conferenze, workshop e corsi di formazione.

Quest’anno i corsi di traduzione Grió a Roma inizieranno il 28 gennaio e termineranno il 17 marzo 2012. Saranno riuniti in un’unica edizione invernale i laboratori di traduzione dall’inglese, francese, tedesco e spagnolo.
È prevista una prova di ammissione, che si terrà in aula.
La prima sessione di prove si terrà sabato 3 dicembre prossimo dalle 11.30 alle 13.30 presso l’Istituto Spellucci, in via S.[ Va' avanti ]

Presentazione della rivista Tradurre pratiche, teorie, strumenti

presentazione 7/12/2011

In occasione dei Pomeriggi letterari presso La Casa delle Traduzioni di Roma, ci teniamo a ricordare agli amanti del settore (traduttori e non) che l’incontro del 7 dicembre sarà interamente dedicato alla presentazione della rivista Tradurre a cura di Gianfranco Petrillo, direttore di Tradurre, e Claudia Tarolo.

La presentazione si terrà alle ore 18 presso la sede de La Casa delle Traduzioni in via degli Avignonesi 32.

Per ulteriori dettagli contattare… [ Va' avanti ]

Dutch Literary Translation Days, Amsterdam

On Friday 9 and Saturday 10 December 2011 the thirteenth edition of the Dutch Literary Translation Days will take place in Amsterdam. On the first day a symposium will be organized on the theme of ‘”Translation and Zeitgeist: the shelf life of the translator”. Do translators have a sell-by date? Should they stop translating certain kinds of texts as they get older? How well do they feel their translations from decades ago have withstood the test of time? Has their approach to translation changed over the years? And what about young translators, who are confronted with the words of writers who are (much) older than them? What policy do publishers have?… [ Va' avanti ]