AISCLI Summer School, Torino

L’AISCLI e la Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere di Torino organizzano l’AISCLI SUMMER SCHOOL. Numero minimo di partecipanti: 15 posti.
Per studenti di lauree specialistiche, magistrali, dottorandi e dottori di ricerca [Tirocinio per Laurea Specialistica da 10 CFU (250 ore). Per Laurea Magistrale da 6 CFU (180 ore) per gli studenti immatricolati a partire dall’a.a. 2010–2011]

From Europe to a variety of World Literatures and Cultures in English. The AISCLI Summer School aims at widening the competence of postgraduate students (also those who wish to become teachers, educators, cultural mediators, translators), doctoral students and PhD holders in the field of postcolonial theories, literatures and cultures.
This wider perspective on African, Caribbean, Canadian, Pacific and Asiatic artistic and intellectual productions – in the form of poetry, prose, drama, music, figurative art, architecture and cinema – will be the focus of a series of lectures, seminars and workshops held by Italian academics, who are expert and have publications in those fields.

Period Monday 17 Saturday 22 September 2012 (arrival and departure on Sundays)

Students admission fees: 300 euros

Per informazioni:
Prof.ssa Carmen Concilio
via Verdi 10, III piano, tel. 0116702682

Ulteriori informazioni e programma al seguente link: